Wednesday, May 11, 2011

More Obedience and Not More Anointing

By Rev Albert Kang
Apparently, in the West, not many Christians have been exposed to the supra-natural forces of other religions. They regularly confuse the Kundalini spirit with the Holy Spirit. In their desire for more 'anointings', they open themselves to all kinds of non-biblical and extra-biblical teachings.

Many believers become gullible and readily receive all these so-called special 'spiritual impartations' and  'anointings'. 

The truth of the matter is that the Church is already anointed since Acts 2.

The Holy Spirit has been given and we live and move according to His leading and guidance. Yes, emotionally we may sense the presence of the Holy Spirit and that is a secondary experience. The Bible uses the term such as being "full of the Holy Spirit" to describe practical outworking of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. This term is also used to mean the empowering influence and direct guidance of the Holy Spirit upon men.

Acts 1:3 But carefully select from among you, brothers, seven men who are well-attested, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this necessary task.

Acts 7:55 - But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.

Acts 11:24 - He (Barnabas) was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.

The Holy Spirit is consistently there within us to lead and guide us. We do not need to go into a trance in order to conjure or invoke the presence of the Holy Spirit. As a Pentecostal preacher, I pray in tongues but I am aware of everything around me when I do that. I do not need to "get into the mood". The prayer and gift of tongues is within our control to exercise or stop. I do not need to shake, faint, scream or laugh to pray to or praise my Lord. The Holy Spirit is there quietly working out God's plan through all of us.

Oswald Sanders in his book, Spiritual Leadership, describes the outworking of the Holy Spirit in the following:

Behind the actions of the apostles, the executive activity of the Spirit is seen everywhere. As supreme Administrator of the church and chief Strategist of the missionary enterprise, He is everywhere prominent. It is abundantly evident in the record that the Holy Spirit is jealous of His prerogatives and will not delegate His poser or authority to secular or carnal hands. Even men whose duties would be largely in the temporal affairs of the church must be men mastered and controlled by Him. Their selection must not be influenced by considerations of worldly wisdom, financial acumen, or social acceptability; they should be chosen primarily because of their genuine spirituality. When a church or other Christian organization departs from that pattern, it amounts to a virtual ousting of the Spirit from His place of leadership. As a consequence He is grieved and quenched, with resulting spiritual dearth and death.

Thus 'full of the Holy Spirit' does not mean 'special anointing'. There is not a single passage in the Bible that talks about 'special anointing' for healing and other miracles. There are of course no lack of charlatans and false teachers who quickly take advantage of such naive believers.

Today, I can only say that since the Church is already anointed with the Holy Spirit, the believers should not be ASKING FOR MORE ANOINTING BUT MORE OBEDIENCE!


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