Saturday, December 10, 2011

Australian woman healed from irregular heartbeat & kidney cysts via text message

Don Parbery of Australia studied the Basic Training & Advanced Training via internet video
December 2011

Recently I studied the Elijah Challenge Basic and Advanced Training material over the internet. Just when I was about to finish the Advanced Training, an email came through about an unsaved daughter of a believer. The daughter had an irregular heartbeat, kidney cysts and a number of other things, seemingly out of nowhere and for no reason. God put it on my heart that I was to apply what I had learned to her situation.

I contacted her believing mother and asked whether her daughter would be open to meet for me to take authority over the sickness and/or demons and cast them out. The mother contacted the daughter who agreed to meet. Prior to the meeting, as an act of new found boldness, I sent her a text telling her that she was going to be completely healed by the only God that can heal, save and deliver.

For whatever reason, we were unable to meet (probably enemy intervention). So, I sent her a text with the command that I was going to say over her. She responded and thanked me for caring.

Her mum has just sent through an email saying that she is completely healed. She will not require a pace maker to regulate her heart and she will not require an operation to remove cysts of anything else.

Thank you for helping me get out of the boat and do what the master said I could!  I just sent the daughter another text and told her to thank God for her healing and to do business with the Lord.

I am in a very conservative church that does not believe in healing but I think that God has plans to change that mindset!

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